Welcome everyone to "The Prim Patch"

I have always loved the look of Prim. The last several years I've tried whatever Prim crafting projects I could find. I love workin' with wood, sewing, stitchery, really any crafts...I could work on projects all day everyday!! (If life were that easy...LOL)
I'm hoping to be able to share anything and everything Prim I can do/find with everyone.
Be sure to follow my blog to see what we can create together.

I have a few things on my blog for Sale...you can check them out here.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My things 4 Sale….

Hello everyone!

I wanted to let everyone know that I’ve added a Prims 4 sale folder on my Facebook. If you are a friend of mine you can find the folder called Prims for sale…everything in there is 4 sale…prices are with every picture. If you are not a friend of mine…jus’ go HERE and request friendship with me.

Don’t forget to keep checkin’ my folder…as I’m making new things and will be adding them as I complete them.

Thanks so much!


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A few pictures….


I was messing with my camera and laptop…and was able to get a few pictures off the camera.

Here’s a few things I’ve made.


(Click on picture for larger image)

Here’s my stitchery and Teddy I made. Pattern for the teddy is from Tennessee Ridge Primitives if you haven’t stopped by her site…you will want to as soon as possible. She is having another awesome sale right now….10 patterns for $10. Someday I will own her “I want it all” CD. (Hear that Honey!…Hint…Hint!)

I can’t remember where I found the ABC stitchery pattern…I’m so sorry! If someone knows where/who made the pattern…Please let me know so I can give proper credit.


(Click on picture for larger image)

Here’s another simple stitchery I made. I have it hanging on one of my many, many baskets…(I am a basket girl!) The basket is sitting under my Old barn wood coffee table the hubs made for me a while ago. Once I get a nice setting on the table I will take pictures and share the Coffee table and End tables he made….they are one of my favorite things he made.


(Click on picture for larger image)

Here’s another stitchery…I have it hanging over the rods of an old chair. As you can see I’ve been making lots of them…I have lots of extra stitcheries made that I need to add to more prim towels. I love doing the stitcheries when I jus’ sitting and watch TV.


(Click on picture for larger image)

This I revamped. I changed the towel out for the nice stitchery pattern that once again…I have no name for who made the pattern. When I first started collecting free patterns I didn’t do so well with saving the names of the creator. I had no idea I would be posting pictures of my finished work to a blog…and didn’t think I would need to know the creator. So…once again…if anyone knows who created this wonderful pattern…could ya Please give me the name so I can give proper credit. BTW…I have since changed my ways.

That’s all for now…I do have lots more to share…but I really need to get my butt moving. I have new Prim Doll patterns I ordered from You Are So Special Patterns another awesome site to get wonderful Prim Patterns. You should definitely check her site out too…she is running a special on her patterns too.

Have a Wonderful Day!!


It's been too long....

Hello everyone!
It's been so long since I've posted...I've been busy with everyday life and busy with my Prims. Now that things have calmed down...I'll be posting once again.

My digital camera and laptop are not working together right now...I dunno why. So until I get them to be "friends" again...I'll not be able to post any pictures....Not good! Hoping the hubs and I can get it figured out soon.

I would like everyone to know...that even though I've not posted...I still come to my blog daily and read everyone's updates.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas...we sure did.

Have a safe and Happy New Year!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

This and That…

Morning everyone!!

Sorry it’s been awhile since I’ve posted. Life has kept me pretty busy.

Anyway…I wanted to share a few things I’ve been doing.

Don’t forget to click on my pictures to view a larger image.

Here are some Hanging Rusty Wire Elec. Candles I’ve been makin’ and puttin’ everywhere in my house…inside and outside…LOL

These are the electric candle lights you can get at the dollar tree.

These two are in the house…



This one is outside on my back porch…looks awesome at night.


They are so easy to make…and perfect for placing really anywhere.

Here’s a few things the hubs  helped me make.

Jus’ a simple piece of old barn wood with a rusty wire and star added….fits perfect here.


Ok…I don’t have this all the way decorated. I have this hanging in my Living room…it’s the room I’m workin’ on…I pretty much have nothing decorated in this room right now. Plus, I’m not real happy with the way this pic is…it looks as though the shelf is tiny…trust me…it’s not…it measures a little over 3 foot long and 1 1/2 foot wide…it really does fit perfect. Plus, I think the hubs did an awesome job…now I jus’ need to get the right Prim goodies on it.


Here’s the Candle holder that I have hanging on the side of the old barn wood shelf….hubs made it too.


Here’s a few things I picked up yesterday…

I started to paint my basket…then stopped so I could get a before…then ran out of paint…gonna make a run to Wally World for paint…gotta finish my basket today.


Here’s a cute lil rockin’ chair. I’m not likin’ the blue….not sure what I’m gonna do with the blue…any ideas??



Yes…there’s more….LOL

Here’s a stitchery I did the other day…it was inspired by my Prim Friend Brandi Hall. You can find the Free pattern at Primitive Blessings. Thanks so much Tiffany for sharing this pattern with us…and to Brandi for showing us her beautiful version of Tiffany’s pattern.

Here’s my version…


Here’s a couple sign’s my sis and her hubs made for me. I haven’t found a place for them yet. Thanks Cyndy and Steve…I love ‘em!!



Here’s a long book shelf I bought at a YS….forgot to get a before…but it was jus’ plain wood….nothing fancy. Again…I don’t have much on this shelf either…it’s another piece that’s in my Living room…waiting to be decorated…LOL


The doors on the bottom open…I have some of  my favorite books stored in there…


Here’s a close up of the aging look I did to the shelf.


I’ve saved my favorite for last…

The hubs bought this desk for me from our local GW. I did have a nice solid oak old desk…in mint condition…but I changed my desktop computer to a laptop several months ago…and my old desk jus’ wasn’t big enough anymore. So the hubs surprised me with this desk…I didn’t get a before pic…but if you can imagine a Pinkish-Red color…well that’s jus’ what this desk looked like….Not Pretty!! Although, it’s a really nice solid oak desk….the drawers are dove tailed…very nicely made. Please pay no attention to my computer cords…those buggers are so hard to hide…LOL


Much more room for me with my new laptop…


Close up of the aging I did…


Hope you enjoyed seeing the new things that’s been going on here at our home.

Have a Wonderful day everyone!


Friday, July 2, 2010

My swap with Sheila

Hello everyone!

I wanted to share a pic. of the wonderful gifts Sheila from Seasons of Thy Heart sent to me.


(Click on picture to view larger image)

First off…I could smell the Sweet Annie before I even opened the box…Pure Heaven!!

She sent me so many things…I’m still trying to find homes for them all…(I keep moving them…LOL).

She made me a wonderful floral filled crow can…it’s jus’ beautiful...Prim Perfect!! She also sent me a punched tin candle holder…a bag of prim potpourri…with small material sunflowers…and a round prim box with a larger sunflower on it. A prim house pic with one of my favorite sayings….'”As for me and my house…we will serve the Lord”…then a little tiny bowl with a house painted on it and a tiny stand to hold the bowl…too cute!! And…a punched tin nightlight…my daughter had jus’ asked me to add another light to our stairway…looks perfect!

She also sent me a Jar of Jalapeño jelly…my daughter and I have already tested the jelly…YUMMY!!! She made me a small firecracker pin…it is too cute! And a rolling pin to add to my small collection..LOL

Last…but not least…she knew I was a G-ma…so she made me the most wonderful stitchery…it says…

“Grandmas have pictures in their wallets where money used to be”

I love it!!

Thanks so much Sheila for the wonderful gifts you’ve sent to me…I sure do love ‘em all!!

Don’t forget to check out Sheila’s blog…you can find her here.

Have a wonderful evening everyone!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Raggedy Pants Designs…

Check out  Raggedy Pants blog....and Raggedy Pants Designs website.

Michelle is having a Free pattern give-away…check out here to see how you can get one of her awesome patterns.

While your there check out all the wonderful work she does…she’s one very talented lady!

Have a wonderful day everyone!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Donna's Challenge...

Hi everyone!!
I know I'm posting my challenge item early...but I have an appointment early in the morn. So, I thought I'd jus' post my challenge item tonight.
Most of what I did came from ideas my wonderful friend Donna gave me awhile back. Donna always has awesome creative ideas....she told me how to achieve the old/rustic look. Thanks so much Donna...your ideas are always awesome...and Oh so Prim! PS....GEESH...I sure do MISS YA MY FRIEND!
Anyway...I decided to add one of my stitcheries to my can...and the hub's put holes in the can so I could add the rusty wire.

(Click on picture to view larger image)

Actually, I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out...you know us Prim Gals...most of the time we're not very happy with what we've made...LOL But, I must admit, I'm very Pleased with this lil guy...didn't take long to make either.
Thanks so much Donna for havin' this challenge! I would have never made this if you wouldn't have had your challenge for all of us.
I'm lookin' forward to seein' every one's creativity....(I sure hope I don't miss any)
Prim Blessings!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Check this out…

Hey all my Prim friends...
Check out the sale that's going on at Tennessee Bridge Primitives...10 E-patterns for $10.00...what an awesome deal.

I’ve already placed my order…and within minutes she sent all of my patterns to me...YAY

You know what I’m gonna be doing all weekend…LOL

Here's her link...


Have a Great Day!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Donna’s Challenge…

If you love a challenge….then you’ll want check out Donna’s challenge.

You’ll find here site here.

It would be so nice to have lots of girls participating…

Have a Great evening!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Silicone bulbs…

I finally decided to try my hand at makin’ my own silicone bulbs yesterday. My first batch are jus’ plain clear silicone. I’m gonna make the colored, grubby ones next time.

Here’s the tut I used from Char…click HERE if you’d like to try it too. Thanks so much Char!!!

Here’s how I had them hanging to dry…it does take awhile for them to dry all the way.



Here’s a close up of one of the bulbs.


I think they turned out pretty good for my first time. I can’t wait to make the Grubby lookin’ ones like Char made.

(Click on images to view larger pictures)

Have a Great Day everyone!!


Monday, May 24, 2010

Messin’ with candles…

Here’s jus’ a few candles I’ve been I’ve been makin’. I jus’ wanted to see if I could make some smaller “Nubbie” candles.

I started out with these long red tapered candles. I cut them apart to give me a few different sizes….being careful to not cut the wick. I then dipped them a few times in my wax…and rolled them in some cinnamon. Thanks to the help of my Dear Prim friend Donna.


I needed to replace the candles in my candle holder my sis got for me awhile back. I’m not real thrilled with the red candles that came with it.

Here’s the before…


And here’s the after…


I like the smaller “Nubbie” candles much better.

I need to hit GW to get more candles and keep tryin’ to perfect them...I’m still lookin’ to try to make them even smaller…like the actually “Nubbie'” candles you can buy. Over all, for my first time…I was pretty happy with the way they turned out.

(Click on pictures to view larger images)

Have a Great Day!!


Friday, May 14, 2010

You'll wanna read this...

You'll wanna go here and find the hidden Give-aways!!!
Make sure you read all the comments!!!
That's all I'm sayin'....LOL
Have a wonderful day!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

More Stitcheries....

Morning everyone!!
I jus' wanted to share a few more of my stitcheries that I've made....Plus, some that I'm workin' on.
Here's the lil sheep one I posted last time....it's finally finished.

Here's jus' a small one I made awhile back...jus' finished it yesterday. Kinda plain...but sometimes I like jus' having something "Simple".

Here's what I'm workin' on...actually, I was able to finish this last night.
I made 2 of these....they will go on my end tables in my family room.

Here's some of my up coming stitcheries.
The one on the top will be framed...and the 2 on the bottom will be made into tags.

As you can see...I'm into stitchery right now....I love how they turn out...and esp. love the ones made into tags....they are so nice to hang really anywhere in your home.
(Click on pictures to view larger images)
Have a wonderful day!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Good morning everyone!!
I wanted to take the time to wish all of our wonderful mother's a Happy Mother's day today!!
The Dear Lord has Bless me with 4 wonderful children that I am so Thankful for everyday of my life. They truly make my life complete!
Happy Mother's Day!!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Stitchery I've been workin' on...

Hello everyone!!
Jus' wanted to show ya a few things I've been doing.
This first pic is a stitchery I made to lay on my basket in my MBath....it was lookin' too plain to me...so, I thought I'd add this stitchery to it.
Not real thrilled with this one....but it'll work for now.

This is my Favorite...Love it!!!
My Grubby Muslin Tag Stitchery.
I think it turned out Great....love the saying too.
I'll for sure be makin' more of these type of tags.

Here's jus' a close up of the tag.

Here's my work in progress....it'll be another tag once I'm done.

That's it.
(Click on pictures to view larger images)
Thanks for stoppin' by...
Hope you have a Great Day!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Jus' wanted to show ya....

Morning Everyone!!!
I jus' wanted to show everyone the Gifts that were in my Mystery Give-away.
The Great thing about having a Mystery Give-away...once I drew Angie's name...I was able to go to her blog and see the things that she likes...I was able to send her things that worked for her...and I wasn't committed to sending her something that she didn't need.
I really, really enjoyed doing my Mystery Give-away. I will be doing lots more of these!!!
Anyway...here are the gifts...I made the star, sheep and did the clothespins. I bought the spool with the grubby tape measure on it. Plus, I sent her 3 of my fav. store bought tarts...(not pictured)
(Click on picture to view larger image.)

Please take the time to go visit her blog to see how she has them wonderfully displayed.
You can find her blog here... Berry Homespun Primitives
Have a wonderful day!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

You asked...

I've had several of my Prim friends ask if I'd sell some of the things I've made.
I'm very honored that I have such Great Prim friends.
So, with that said...I did go back to my last post....(Wanted to share...) and readjust the posting to to reflect more info on my things and pricing.
If there is something you are interested in....Please use my e-mail on my side bar to contact me.
You'll find the Wanted to share...post here
Thanks so much!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wanted to share....

Good afternoon everyone!!
I jus' wanted to share some of the things I've been workin' on for the past few months. I've shared most of these pics in the forums I belong too...but wanted to share with my Bloggin' friends too.
Since I've had several ask if anything is for Sale...I've decided to sell anything in my post here...I have other things that I might add at a later time.
I've added prices to my items. Please use my e-mail on my side bar to place an order. Buyer will have to pay for shipping.
Thanks so much everyone!!
I am so Honored!!!
Hanging Flag bag
Flag bag from the bottom of the bag to the top of the sweetannie it's approx 22 inches tall and 5 inches wide...filled with Sweetannie-Rosehips-and 4 Painted/stained Saltdough stars. Hand painted and grubby.
30.00 - plus shipping
Love Grows Here bag.
This bag will either sit on a shelf or you can hang it with it's rusty wire.
From the bottom of the bag to the top of the sweetannie...it's approx 17 inches tall and 6 inches wide.
It's filled with sweetannie and rosehips.
With faux stitchery -25.00 - plus shipping
With hand stitchery - 30.00- plus shipping

Basket of large stars.
These are large stars made out of red, tan and blue ticking. Very grubby!!
They are 12 inches tall and 11 inches wide.
18.00 each - plus shipping

My medium size sheep.
Sheep body is made out of fuzzy material, nose and ears made out of felt.
Sheep is 8.5 inches tall and 11 inches wide.
18.00 - plus shipping
I can make different sizes...prices will be different too.

Material covered Bible.


2 pocket Wall sampler.

Filled with a crow - sweetannie - grubby candle. Very grubby

The bag measure 11 inches tall and 9 inches wide.

13.50 - plus shipping

Hanging small stump doll.
These can be made in any color.

She measures 6 inches tall and 2 inches wide.

5.50 - plus shipping

Crows in a basket.

Material covered boxes with pincushion.

Simplify pillow.
These pillows can be made in any color - size...and I can add any saying.
Please contact me with your specs...then I can give you a price.

Kitter Kat.
His face is faux...but will hand stitch any that I make.
Has grubby cheesecloth - sweetannie - grubby candle.
Size is 14.5 inches tall and 6.5 inches wide.
20.00 -plus shipping
Small sheep.
sheep is 5 inches tall and 6 inches wide.
10.00 - plus shipping

Grubby rusty wire hanging candle, with hanging board.
Board can be made in jus' about any color.
Measures 12 inches tall by 2.5 inches wide.

Candle with board -13.5o - plus shipping
Candle without board - 4.50 plus shipping
I also have Old Barnwood boards that I'm working on.
15.00 - plus shipping
Grubby rusty wire hanging medium size crow.
He is wrapped with a rusty wire...with sweetannie and a rusty bell.
He's 11 inches tall and 4 inches wide.
18.00 - plus shipping

Set of 6 Prim coasters.
Hand painted star.
Coasters are 3.5 inches tall and 5.5 inches wide.
12.00 per set - plus shipping

Stump dolls.
These can be made in any color.
Dolls are 8-10 inches tall
8.50 - plus shipping

Grubby rusty wire hanging star.
Star filled with red-white-blue pipe berry with grubbied egg straw.
Star is 10 inches tall and 11 inches wide.
18.00 - plus shipping

Another Grubby rusty wire hanging star.
Same as the top star...but for the hand stitchery.
20.00 - plus shipping

Simple stitchery.
These can be made in any size and jus' about any saying...frame will look different.
Contact me with your specs...I'll get a price to you.

Bless Ewe small sheep.
Hand stitched and grubby.
Each sheep measures 3.5 inches tall and 5.5 inches wide.
Set of 2
10.00 - plus shipping

That's it...LOL

Sorry there are so many pics. that I've not taken the time to post.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!